The damn runner keeps making too many POST requests per minute to my
Gitea instance and flooding the entire access.log file, I'm gonna keep
using Goreleaser for easy binary releases but CI/CD unfortunately has to
go away
The receiveMessage() function would regularly keep casting strings based
on a 2048 byte array, this didn't seemingly pose a problem until I
noticed the RAM usage go through the roof when the client had to be
populated with the chat history of a lengthy chat log by the server. To
fix this I am now creating a second array using the number of bytes
being returned by the Read() method and copying the 2048 byte array's
contents into it, setting the former array to nil afterwards.
For some reason, writing to a conn variable on a TLS connection
appends newlines by default, so new users will have their chat box
populated if the server is using --history/-r with messages that have
unnecessary newlines