package main import ( "fmt" "strconv" "time" ) var numsToSum []int var choice2 int // TODO: Get function done func getAverage() { } func addToVec(num int, c chan int) { numsToSum = append(numsToSum, num) } func statusMSG() { fmt.Printf("Current numbers: %v\n", numsToSum) fmt.Println("[1] Add number") fmt.Println("[2] Calculate average") fmt.Println("[3] Exit") } func getChoice2() { strchoice2 := scanLine() choice2, err = strconv.Atoi(strchoice2) catchErr(err) } func getNumToAdd() (num int) { fmt.Printf("Select your number: ") strnum := scanLine() num, err = strconv.Atoi(strnum) return num } func fun2() { c := make(chan int) looper: for { clear() statusMSG() fmt.Printf("Choice: ") getChoice2() switch choice2 { // TODO: Add options to add numbers to array and then to calcluate them later case 1: numToAdd := getNumToAdd() addToVec(numToAdd, c) fmt.Printf("Succesfully added %v to the array\n", numToAdd) time.Sleep(time.Second) case 2: getAverage() case 3: break looper } } }