#!/bin/bash FILE="${@: -1}" if [[ ! -f "$FILE" ]]; then echo "File \"$FILE\" doesn't exist!" exit fi DRYRUN=false FILE_CONTENTS="$(cat ${@: -1})" CREATE_USERS=false DELETE_USERS=false CREATE_GROUPS=false DELETE_GROUPS=false DELIM=";" usage () { echo "Usage: ./autouser.sh \$PARAMETER file.csv" echo "" echo "PARAMETERS" echo " --help || -h (Show this help prompt)" echo " --dry-run (Test without executing any changes)" echo " --create-users users.csv (Create users from a .csv file)" echo " --create-groups groups.csv (Create groups from a .csv file)" echo " --delete-users users.csv (Delete users from a .csv file)" echo " --delete-groups groups.csv (Delete groups from a .csv file)" exit } rootCheck () { if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "You must be root to run this parameter" exit fi } cutter () { echo "$1" | cut -d "$DELIM" -f "$2" } turnLowercase() { echo "$1" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | sed 's/ñ/n/g' } createGroups () { while read line; do GID=$(cutter "${line}" "2") GROUPNAME=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "1")) if [[ -z "$GID" ]]; then echo "[+] Adding group $GROUPNAME..." groupadd $GROUPNAME else echo "[+] Adding group $GROUPNAME with GID $GID..." groupadd $GROUPNAME -g $GID fi done <<< "$FILE_CONTENTS" } createGroupsDry () { while read line; do GID=$(cutter "${line}" "2") GROUPNAME=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "1")) if [[ -z "$GID" ]]; then echo "groupadd $GROUPNAME" else echo "groupadd $GROUPNAME -g $GID" fi done <<< "$FILE_CONTENTS" } deleteGroups () { while read line; do GROUPNAME=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "1")) echo "[+] Deleting group $GROUPNAME..." groupdel $GROUPNAME done <<< "$FILE_CONTENTS" } deleteGroupsDry () { while read line; do GROUPNAME=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "1")) echo "groupdel $GROUPNAME" done <<< "$FILE_CONTENTS" } createUsers () { while read line; do USERNAME=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "1")) FULLNAME=$(cutter "${line}" "2") USERUID=$(cutter "${line}" "3") USERGID=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "4")) USERGROUPS=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "5")) TLFN=$(cutter "${line}" "6") EXTRAINFO=$(cutter "${line}" "7") USERSHELL=$(cutter "${line}" "8") USERLOCKED=$(cutter "${line}" "9") echo "[+] Adding user $USERNAME..." useradd -m $USERNAME echo $USERNAME:$USERNAME | chpasswd if [[ ! -z "$FULLNAME" ]]; then chfn -f "$FULLNAME" "$USERNAME" 1>/dev/null fi if [[ ! -z "$USERUID" ]]; then usermod -u $USERUID $USERNAME fi if [[ ! -z "$USERGID" ]]; then usermod -g $USERGID $USERNAME fi if [[ ! -z "$USERGROUPS" ]]; then usermod -G $(echo $USERGROUPS | tr "|" ",") $USERNAME fi if [[ ! -z "$TLFN" ]]; then chfn -p "$TLFN" $USERNAME 1>/dev/null fi if [[ ! -z "$EXTRAINFO" ]]; then chfn -o "$EXTRAINFO" $USERNAME 1>/dev/null fi if [[ ! -z "$USERSHELL" ]]; then usermod -s $USERSHELL $USERNAME else usermod -s /bin/bash $USERNAME fi if [[ $USERLOCKED == "SI" ]]; then usermod -L $USERNAME fi done <<< "$FILE_CONTENTS" } createUsersDry () { while read line; do USERNAME=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "1")) FULLNAME=$(cutter "${line}" "2") USERUID=$(cutter "${line}" "3") USERGID=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "4")) USERGROUPS=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "5")) TLFN=$(cutter "${line}" "6") EXTRAINFO=$(cutter "${line}" "7") USERSHELL=$(cutter "${line}" "8") USERLOCKED=$(cutter "${line}" "9") echo "useradd -m $USERNAME" echo "echo \"$USERNAME:$USERNAME | chpasswd\"" if [[ ! -z "$FULLNAME" ]]; then echo "chfn -f \"$FULLNAME\" $USERNAME" fi if [[ ! -z "$USERUID" ]]; then echo "usermod -u $USERUID $USERNAME" fi if [[ ! -z "$USERGID" ]]; then echo "usermod -g $USERGID $USERNAME" fi if [[ ! -z "$USERGROUPS" ]]; then echo "usermod -G $(echo $USERGROUPS | tr "|" ",") $USERNAME" fi if [[ ! -z "$TLFN" ]]; then echo "chfn -p \"$TLFN\" $USERNAME" fi if [[ ! -z "$EXTRAINFO" ]]; then echo "usermod -c \"$EXTRAINFO\" $USERNAME" fi if [[ ! -z "$USERSHELL" ]]; then echo "usermod -s $USERSHELL $USERNAME" else echo "usermod -s /bin/bash $USERNAME" fi if [[ $USERLOCKED == "SI" ]]; then echo "usermod -L $USERNAME" fi done <<< "$FILE_CONTENTS" } deleteUsers () { while read line; do USERNAME=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "1")) echo "[+] Deleting user $USERNAME..." userdel -r $USERNAME 2>/dev/null groupdel $USERNAME 2>/dev/null done <<< "$FILE_CONTENTS" } deleteUsersDry () { while read line; do USERNAME=$(turnLowercase $(cutter "${line}" "1")) echo "userdel -r $USERNAME" echo "groupdel $USERNAME" done <<< "$FILE_CONTENTS" } for arg in "$@" do if [[ "$arg" == "-h" || "$arg" == "--help" ]]; then usage exit fi if [[ "$arg" == "--dry-run" ]]; then DRYRUN=true fi if [[ "$arg" == "--create-groups" ]]; then CREATE_GROUPS=true fi if [[ "$arg" == "--delete-groups" ]]; then DELETE_GROUPS=true fi if [[ "$arg" == "--create-users" ]]; then CREATE_USERS=true fi if [[ "$arg" == "--delete-users" ]]; then DELETE_USERS=true fi done if [[ "$CREATE_GROUPS" == true ]]; then if [[ "$DRYRUN" == true ]]; then createGroupsDry else rootCheck createGroups fi exit fi if [[ "$DELETE_GROUPS" == true ]]; then if [[ "$DRYRUN" == true ]]; then deleteGroupsDry else rootCheck deleteGroups fi exit fi if [[ "$CREATE_USERS" == true ]]; then if [[ "$DRYRUN" == true ]]; then createUsersDry else rootCheck createUsers fi exit fi if [[ "$DELETE_USERS" == true ]]; then if [[ "$DRYRUN" == true ]]; then deleteUsersDry else rootCheck deleteUsers fi exit fi usage